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Date Well Marry Well
MODULE 1: Welcome and What to Expect (9:16)
MODULE 2: 3 Components to Date Well & Marry Well (8:22)
Dating and YOU!
MODULE 3: Know YOUR VALUE (10:47)
MODULE 4: You ARE a W.I.F.E. (10:13)
Dating and MEN!
MODULE 5: The Framework (vs. The Lists) (11:00)
MODULE 6: MEN... The MORE the MERRIER! (11:49)
MODULE 7: R.E.L.E.A.S.E Method (13:02)
Dating and SEX (How it REALLY works)
MODULE 8: SEX Bottom UP Approach Pt. 1 (11:28)
MODULE 9: SEX Top Down Approach PT. 2 (11:42)
Courting and Engagement
Module 10: Dating and Courtship Pt. 1 (9:48)
Module 11: Dating and Courtship Pt. 2 (10:15)
Module 12: Courtship to Engagement (7:24)
Module 13: Engagement to Marriage (10:33)
Module 11: Dating and Courtship Pt. 2
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